Analysis on the similarity between the position of the wind measuring tower and the point position of the wind turbine

Wind Power Network News: In the early stage of wind power projects, the location of the wind measurement tower is closely related to the location of the wind turbine. The wind measurement tower is a data reference station, and each specific wind turbine location is a forecast. stand. Only when the prediction station and the reference station have a certain similarity, can a better assessment of wind resources and a better forecast of power generation be made. The following is the editor’s collation of similar factors between participating stations and forecasting stations.


The rough background roughness is similar. The surface roughness mainly affects the vertical contour line of the near-surface wind speed and the turbulence intensity. The surface roughness of the reference station and the prediction station cannot be completely consistent, but a large background roughness similarity with regional characteristics is necessary.

The degree of complexity of the terrain is similar. The shape of the wind current is greatly affected by the complexity of the terrain. The more complex the terrain, the smaller the representative range of the reference station, because the micro-wind climate of the complex terrain is very complex and changeable. It is for this reason that wind farms with complex terrain usually require multiple wind measurement towers.

Two wind climate factors

The distance is similar. The distance between the reference station and the prediction station is a relatively straightforward criterion. This is true in most cases, but there are some cases, such as the distance from the reference station along the coastline 5 kilometers from the vertical coastline to the reference station Compared to a place of 3 kilometers, the wind climate may be closer to the reference station. Therefore, if the landform and surface morphology have not changed significantly within a large area of ​​the wind field, the similarity can be judged by referring to the distance.

The altitude is similar. As the altitude increases, the temperature and pressure of the air will also change, and the difference in altitude will also bring about differences in wind and climate. According to the experience of many wind resource practitioners, the altitude difference between the reference station and the forecast station should not exceed 100m, and should not exceed 150m at most. If the altitude difference is large, it is recommended to add wind measurement towers of different altitudes for wind measurement.

Atmospheric stability is similar. Atmospheric stability is basically determined by the surface temperature. The higher the temperature, the stronger the vertical convection and the more unstable the atmosphere. Differences in water bodies and vegetation coverage may also lead to differences in atmospheric stability.

Post time: Nov-02-2021