Classification of Wind Power Plant Location

Because the energy will consume its energy when it comes to an disorder, it is best to set up the open area to increase the energy conversion efficiency. In addition, the stability of the wind direction is also very important. In addition to increasing the obtaining wind energy, it can also prolong the fan’s fan. life. At present, the construction location of the wind power plant can be roughly classified as the following two categories:


For all terrain on the land, almost all of the terrain on land can build wind power plants, but due to the restrictions on laws and flight safety, although the wind can be strong in some areas, it cannot be developed (such as near the airport, ecological protection area, migratory birds or endangered birds passing through the district area To.

Belgium Estino Monte Power Plant


Building a sea wind power plant (also known as offshore wind power plant) is a future development trend. Due to the vigorous development of wind power in all countries in the world, wind power locations can be built on land to rapidly decrease, so most of the current development of large wind power plants is mainly maritime. Such as the “London Array” wind power plant for 1,000 MW of power generation capacity. In addition, China, Denmark, Sweden, and Germany also have offshore wind power plants.

Post time: Apr-26-2023