Development trend of wind power generation

Due to the improvement of the living standards of farmers and herdsmen and the continuous increase in electricity consumption, the single unit power of small wind turbines continues to increase. 50W units are no longer produced, and the production of 100W and 150W units is decreasing year by year. However, 200W, 300W, 500W, and 1000W units are increasing year by year, accounting for 80% of the total annual production. Due to the urgent desire of farmers to continuously use electricity, the promotion and application of the “wind solar complementary power generation system” has significantly accelerated, and it is developing towards a combination of multiple units, becoming the direction of development for a period of time in the future.

The wind and solar complementary multi unit combined series power generation system is a system that installs multiple low-power wind turbines in the same place, charges multiple supporting large capacity battery packs simultaneously, and is uniformly controlled and output by a high-power control inverter. The advantages of this configuration are:

(1) The technology of small wind turbines is mature, with simple structure, stable quality, safety and reliability, and economic benefits;

(2) Easy to assemble, disassemble, transport, maintain, and operate;

(3) If maintenance or fault shutdown is required, the other units will continue to generate electricity without affecting the normal use of the system;

(4) Multiple clusters of wind and solar complementary power generation systems naturally become a scenic spot and a green power plant without environmental pollution.

With the formulation of the National Renewable Energy Law and the Renewable Energy Industry Guidance Catalogue, various supporting measures and tax preferential support policies will be introduced one after another, which will inevitably enhance the production enthusiasm of production enterprises and promote industrial development.

Post time: Aug-23-2023